Thursday, April 22, 2010

The June Bugs worship the Light

Here is a repost of last summer's photos of the june bugs gathering for worship service to pray to the great light (bug light, that is). Other bugs fly into it and die, but the june bugs just surround it and hang out. It's great because they are not in the garage bothering me. So there you go. The same phenomenon has started already this year. I have to put the light in the driveway to keep the june bugs out of the garage.

Hard to Starboard!

And, I hear on WBAP this morning that there was an incident on the last cruise of the Carnival Ecstacy, a ship we have cruised on twice. Apparently, there was a buoy that had broken free and was floating free in the Gulf. The Ecstacy happened upon it and had to make a hard right turn to avoid a collision. The turn was hard enough to knock things off of shelves and make several passenger actually fall down. Luckily, no one was hurt badly enough to require medical attention. We have been on so many cruises, and we have never had a bad one. I love cruising.

Ducks in my front yard

A pair of ducks have taken up residence in my front yard. I suspect they have a nest somewhere nearby because they don't seem inclined to stray too far from our yard. I enjoy watching them.

My roses are blooming...

Navy Seal cleared of abuse charge.

Do you all remember this scandal from last year where the left was trying to discredit our servicemen and elevate the terrorists to some type of martyrdom in the United States? Guess what. The first of the accused Navy Seals has been tried and found innocent of "abusing" a prisoner, as in, it didn't happen. Perhaps the turning point in the case is that the prisoner had no injuries. Perhaps it was simply because the whole thing was trumped up by Obama and his left wing cronies to tear down the military and elevate middle eastern terrorists in the eyes of the American people.

Let me just recall...the main stream media couldn't carry the story of the accusations of the Seals enough, but have you heard a word about the NOT GUILTY verdict?

The left it trying to scam us at every turn, and so many of you are swallowing the BS.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It might be fun... make blog entries about what I see in Denton County for a change.

Noticed on another blog...

I was just reading the blog called Liberally Lean, which is operated by a friend of mine in Decatur. I see that he mentioned that Paige and I were leaving the DA's Office at the end of the month. I thought it was nice that he didn't hack on us given our historic differences in views of the need for law enforcement. It was never personal and I always enjoyed visiting with BG, especially when we weren't necessarily talking about any of his clients.
The comments on the blog are particularly amusing. I want to thank whoever it was that said Wise County was losing "two awesome prosecutors". We tried very hard, and I felt like we brought alot to the table. It is nice to hear the odd compliment every so often.
I will tell you that the awesome people in the office are the administrative staff for all the work they do to keep that place afloat (Tessa, hang in there, it will be all right). They have their hands full. I hope Greg can find some good replacements for us.
It was a good job, and for the most part, a fun and exciting job. There is still alot of hard work to do, but like I always say: it was there when I showed up and it will be there when I'm gone.
What matters is that I gave the job my full attention and effort. I will do the same for my new career and for my clients.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Leaving Wise County

I have told everyong that I can about this. I am leaving my employment as an Assistant DA in Wise County and joining private law practice with my wife. I have been prosecuting for 27 years, and I am excited about the new opportunity. I will take cases in Denton County and Wise County to start. We may expand to other counties if the work demands it and our time constraints permit.
I actually thought some of the attorneys might get together and ring the courthouse chimes, but I guess they couldn't get that done.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Okay: Very Cool vs. Very Uncool

This story about a whale escorting a paddle surfer who was doing the journey to raise money for breast cancer. Apparently, the whale simply swam alongside her board and did not bother her. The article says that these kinds of encounters with these kinds of whales are very rare. The woman doing the journey took it as a sign from God. I agree, and we need more signs from God these days because evil is spreading among us at a rapid rate.

The new health care law will apparently require (aka force) middle aged people who are not married to purchase insurance that includes pediatric care. I know why they do that: the same reason we all pay school taxes for public schools even though we may not have kids in the schools. However, there is absolutely no reason to compound that wrong, socialistic, "spread the wealth" type of thinking.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This guy is a nut

This just goes to show how irresponsible op-ed writers can be. I guess this guy didn't see the earlier video of the crazy woman attacking Karl Rove. There are little pockets of crazy people all over the place, including what the press calls "terrorist cells". I see the desire to tie conservatives to the crazies, like the Republic of Texas people and those of that ilk, but people writing these columns need to resist the urge to engage in this type of slander, just as conservative columnists need to resist the same urge.
I am always more interested in facts than cliches, platitudes, and rhetoric. Unfortunately, the average person has to be motivated to dig for the facts since all we get are cliches, platitudes, and rhetoric from the mainstream press, which includes sound bytes from Obama.
This is why I am reading the Health Insurance Bill. As much as I listen, no one actually talks about the languange of the bill. They all seem to want to discuss absurd extremes.
"Just the facts..." as Joe Friday used to say.

April 1

This is April Fools' Day, but no one has tried to trick me...yet.

Crazy Woman or not....

Aren't there laws against Disorderly Conduct?
Check out the red haired lady (not Megan, we like Megan).