Friday, June 11, 2010

Blast from the Past...

Most of you know, or may not know, or actually may not even care that I grew up in Oklahoma City. We did not come to Texas until I was 16 years old.
Every so often a tune comes into my head from when I was a kid, and 40 years later I can remember every word of the B.C. Clark Jewelers Anniversary Sale Jingle.
Why? I really don't know except that there probably was not a single Christmas season since I was very, very young that this song did not play on the television many times a day.
That was back in the time when there were only 3 real TV channels in OK City: 4 was NBC, 5 was ABC, and 9 was CBS. 13 (PBS) was nearly always there, but we didn't watch it that much.
So, this tune is running endlessly through my brain this evening which gives me the thought to google BC Clark Jewelers in OKC. It comes up on Wikipedia as being known for the famous jingle that was written for them in 1956. Since I am brought into the world in September 1957, I hear this song every year almost from the day I am born.
Weird I know, but doesn't everyone have something like that? Some little tie to the old days that brings up the feelings of childhood?

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's all fun and games...

...until someone loses an eye.

A 21 year old American student is, for some reason, protesting the Israeli use of force against an Islamic flotilla that was aggressively vying for a confrontation with the Israeli government.
The Obama administration is making a huge mistake siding against Israel.
I don't think that Israel has as high a tolerance of hippies as the United States.
She's lucky to be alive, and she should be gratified that Israel apologized at all.
I'm just saying...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

And did you know...

That Obama has sent Holder (Eric Holder, US Attorney General) to start collecting information for civil suits and criminal prosecutions against BP?
That may be necessary later, but perhaps it would be best if he (Obama) just got out of the way and let this leak get plugged before they start hauling people into federal court and in front of Congress. Statutes of Limitations are long, and there will be plenty of time to play the blame game. It seems to me that getting this thing stopped should be the priority for BP and the Obama Regime.

I hate to see this...

As most of you know, I am not a big Al Gore fan, but I hate to see people throw away 40 years of marriage, especially after what they have been through together. You would think that, after some amount of time, you could feel secure in that relationship. I guess I don't get it. He is 62 and she is 61. Perhaps these days, that is young enough to start over again.