Tuesday, November 11, 2008

B. Hussein Obama to begin his Rule...uh...administration

I keep hearing and reading Stories, like this one on CNN, about all of the things that BHO is going to do when he takes office.
One theme I keep getting from him is an intense desire to kill or allow the killing of unborn children. Read that story in the link and see that he wants to further the exploitation of dead babies by increasing the use of their cells, and he wants to fund groups that promote abortions here and in foreign countries.
I am getting more and more nervous about this guy.
PALIN 2012!
I also heard a scary thing on the radio yesterday. They were playing tape from an Obama staffer discussing the aims of his administration, but the woman said that "Mr. Obama was looking forward to starting his Rule, not administration or service to the people.
This is the way they see it people: "King B. H. Obama".
If you're not nervous about this guy yet, you might just be crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must be joking about Sarah Palin for president, right? She is the worst kind of ignorant; she doesn't even know it. Opportunistic, I'll give her that. I do not believe we need another president who is someone you want to have a beer with.