Thursday, November 27, 2008

The News...and the Beat (Down) goes on

In the Wednesday Denton Record-Chronicle:
1. On the front page, we see that Lori Forgay brings us the breaking news that the cost of groceries is going up. Is this really front page news? Does the DRC think that Lori Forgay is the first person to stumble across this news? Guess what, we have definitely noticed it at our house. I haven't seen this kind of inflation since the Carter administration, which perhaps comes from the Bush administration resembling the Carter administration as it winds down (you know, the crappy foreign relations and giving tax dollars away to charity). Anyway Lori, thanks for the heads up on that one.
2. After that earth shattering front page story on the price of groceries, we see on page 16A a story about the revolution in Thailand. This seems to be more appropriate front page news, but it it buried in the later pages. Arguably, the most unstable part of the world is even more unstable.
3. Liberal columnist Richard Reeves throws in this 2 cents worth on how the Republican party can come back. He says we should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity. He argues that we should what...adopt the platform of the democratic party. I got news for you, Richard, President Bush has been acting like a Dem for quite a while now, and what did it get his party? He has been taking tax dollars and giving them away for nothing, he has not been promoting the interests of a sovereign America, he has supported amnesty for illegal aliens, and he has been promoting socialism. Hell, the dem's should love him. I really can't believe Reeves is attempting to tell the GOP how to operate. To me, that's a little like letting Satan set your moral compass.

4. And to get away from the paper, Mark Levin reminds us of President-elect Obama's cocaine use for which he seems to have no remorse or apology...but who cares, right? Some role model. Do you remember a Supreme Court nominee named Robert Bork who was turned away by the Senate because he admitted to using marihuana in college? Actually, it was because he was a strict conservative legal scholar who believed in constitutional originalism. I also recall the liberal mainstream media beating on President Bush about some of his wild collegiate times. I guess (thanks to the "philosophy" of permissiveness of the sixties), our future leaders are going to be dopeheads of one kind or another as long as they support the liberal platforms pushed by the mainstream media (i.e.-the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, CBS, CNN, and so on).

The Thursday Record-Chronicle:
5. I see a story fit for the front page. It seems to me that, as a nation, we have taken our eye off of the ball since 9-11. "Muslem extremists" stormed restaurants, hotels, and a hospital in Mumbai, India, shooting people. The story indicates that the assassins were targeting Britons and Americans in that rampage. At least 78 people were killed and 200 wounded in the attacks. A witness that got out said that the killers were yelling "Who has U.S or U.K. passports?" So the Mulem extremists strike again.
6. There is a wonderful letter by Shirly Spellerberg, the former mayor of Corinth, about how ignorant those enthusiastic Obama voters really were. I love seeing that kind of information. Anyone want to show me that she is incorrect with this data?
7. Walter Williams has a column in the paper today. If you don't know, I am a fan of his writing. I enjoy this logic and hard facts to support it. Plus, I am all in favor of freedom, which we seem to be willing to give away out of panic.

8. A recent Dear Abby column that showed up in yesterday's paper was fascinating. I, at first glance, thought it had been submitted by former democratic presidential candidate John Edwards. The letter is written by the wife. She says that she has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Apparently, her husband of 8 years has put her on notice that, should she become physically incapacitated to where she can't perform her "wifely duties", he wants theright to choose a "sex buddy" (odd choice of words to me) to have sex with when she can't. He claims that she is not fulfilling her marriage vows. Of course, Abby points out the hyprocrisy of his point of view noting that his vows included "till death do us part". I would go further in saying that, first of all, it is simply wrong to cheat on your wife, period. But it is really, really sorry to cheat on a wife who is sick. (Got that, John Edwards?) Anyway, it looks like she really picked a winner.

9. And finally, I have to hand it to King Barack for his recent edict to the big three car manufacturers. He told them that they really should forego bonuses, pay increases, and maybe even consider reducing their own bloated salaries before they run to Congress for bail out money. Good advice, indeed. I hope those guys take it. I hope Obama takes his own advice and cuts some of the bloat out of the federal government, as well.


Anonymous said...

Bork was not confirmed because of smoking pot.

Anonymous said...

Are you so sure that all Republicans aren't just as ignorant?

Kevin said...

I am sure that the ignorance of both parties has been extremely apparent in this last election. If the Republicans were more knowledgeable, McCain would not have been our Presidential nominee. The were so ignorant of their potential candidates that they let CNN, MSNBC, NBC, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Post (all liberally bent) to sway the nomination to McCain. There is no doubt that the Republican voters picked McCain out of ignorance.