Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gas Prices continue upward

May 29, 2009
June 4, 2009

I had to buy gas today. We are slowly closing in on $3 per gallon. I know the left will say they don't remember this, but I remember numerous attacks on President Bush blaming him for the price of gas when it hit $4 per gallon at the end of his administration. There was much hue and cry over that.

Now we are creeping back up. OPEC has cut the flow of oil to our country when the price went back down. We are not producing more of our own to support our country. The Obamination has put more and more pressure on us to drive smaller cars, and this manipulation of gasoline prices is just another device of the current regime...I mean administration to force us in their direction. They are slowly reducing your freedoms by reducing your choices. Why don't you all see that? Make no mistake, this is an artificial manipulation of oil and gas prices by OPEC, and our government is perfectly happy having us dependent on this.

We need to get this Obama guy out of the Whitehouse in the next election.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the hedge fund folks and the speculators who have manipulated the markets. No matter what Obama does it cannot work until the laws are changed that allow this to happen. All the money being funneled for stimulus will end up in the pockets of the people who are betting that the housing market fails, as well as other markets, credit cards, car loans etc. We have a bunch of so-called Americans who are betting that things go south and then they'll get their money