Friday, April 2, 2010

Okay: Very Cool vs. Very Uncool

This story about a whale escorting a paddle surfer who was doing the journey to raise money for breast cancer. Apparently, the whale simply swam alongside her board and did not bother her. The article says that these kinds of encounters with these kinds of whales are very rare. The woman doing the journey took it as a sign from God. I agree, and we need more signs from God these days because evil is spreading among us at a rapid rate.

The new health care law will apparently require (aka force) middle aged people who are not married to purchase insurance that includes pediatric care. I know why they do that: the same reason we all pay school taxes for public schools even though we may not have kids in the schools. However, there is absolutely no reason to compound that wrong, socialistic, "spread the wealth" type of thinking.

1 comment:

Doc Feelgood said...

re: school taxes, you're paying it back for your own education. society carried you by paying current expenses until you purchased property and began reimburseing for the next generation. If all you own is residential property, you will never pay it even. Commercial carries the load. It is no doubt a social program, but is materially different from others. have a great day.