Saturday, October 4, 2008

Well, they went ahead and did it...

The Bail Out Bill passed.
The United States Senate passed it, and the House passed it the next day.
Our "stalwart" Republicans in Congress buckled.
I have had great respect for President Bush during the course of his administration, but even that is slipping away in light of his desire to embrace the liberal, socialistic cure for everything.
They have taked money from our pockets and slipped into someone else's.
This is not the business of government.
The Roman Empire, which lasted far longer than the United States of America has so far, was felled by the willingness of the government to slip into a socialistic welfare state. People were encouraged to leave their farm land and come into the walls of the city where the government would pay them and see to their needs.
More and more, what was once private business is becoming nationalized.
Of course the mortage lenders want this; it is a huge influx of cash and capital into their ledgers.
Are there not billionaires out there who would see this as a chance to pick up some commercial debt paper cheap? Why can't the private sector bail itself out?
We don't have to wait for Obama to make us a socialist state; we are doing it to ourselves.

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