Sunday, January 20, 2008

Why do I like Fred Thompson for President?

I received comments that I published on a couple of earlier posts. The comments essentially want to know specifically why I like Fred Thompson for President.

I have never made any secret that I am for a smaller, less intrusive government. The current trend of the government (and of the voting populace, for that matter) is to look for people who will use government authority and taxpayer dollars to solve problems or issues that are not public in nature. People are looking to the government to solve the problem of higher gasoline prices, or higher prices of everything. Some people are looking to the government for some form of help to the automobile industry. Recently, the federal government has given tax dollars in the form of charitable contributions to people or groups that perform no government function.

Mitt Romney has made statements in his campaign that he would support government aid to an ailing automotive industry.

The government is too big. Its tentacles reach into too many areas of our private lives. We pay more taxes than we should. The government uses more money than it should.

McCain doesn't understand that the top 50% income earners in our society bear over 90% of the tax burden. He wants tax relief to the bottom 50% or less, but not to the top. That is socialistic thinking. He basically wants to divest earnings from those who have some success and give the money to those who earn less. That is wrong. The government should not be taking any more money than it needs to do government business, such as, building roads, paying employees, defending the nation, and other such legitimate government ends. Taking money from one citizen to give to another citizen to some charity is just a legalized form of theft. "Thou shalt not steal."

So far, based on what I hear from Thompson as he campaigns, his platform is essentially consistent with my thinking. Anyone will have trouble stopping the growth momentum of the federal government, especially with the Dem's in control of the House of Representatives.
He wants to fight the terrorists.
He wants to secure the borders.
So far, the government is taxing us into oblivion. I think he will work to stop that.
He wants to let private enterprise be private and not rely on government handouts. You know, the free enterprise economic system work. If a business can't adapt to the times, perhaps it needs to fail to make room for those with the foresight to put different means of transportation on the road.
I want to be free from government intrusion in my personal decisions. I don't want the government telling me what kind of a car to drive or where to set the temperature of my thermostat or even when and where I can smoke a cigar. I want to manage my own life.
I want to believe that my government, above all, is protecting me from foreign and domestic enemies. Fred Thompson seems to believe that, too.

I don't know if he can gain enough momentum to catch the others. Some commentators I have read seem to think he can. I hope so.

McCain scares me because he does not seem to understand economic truths. All of the Democrats scare me because I don't believe they understand the enemy enough to realize the need for strong military protection of our country. Giuliani (or however you spell the guy's name) should be running as a democrat because he talks like a socialist.

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