I just read this story on Yahoo.com about the Governor of Illinois arrested to trying to sell King Barack's vacated Senate seat to the highest bidder. Unbelievable!I will try to watch MSNBC and CNN to see how they try to spin this, or even if they will report on it since the guy is a democrat.
It is already on the Huffington Post.
The liberal media is all over this and to their credit they are not trying to act like it is no big deal.
That is good to hear, but I have heard some things in newscasts that make me think they are going to whitewash Barack's involvement or knowledge of this. On the Wall Street News this morning, the reporter said there is "really" nothing solidly linking Obama to this. What does that mean? Does that mean there is something, just not enough to make a case on? Is the press making value judgments as to the credibility or strength of the evidence instead of letting us see it for ourselves? Are they just not looking hard enough because King Barack is the anointed one? There is some talk in the governor's tapes that indicate that he was trying very hard to parley this into a cabinet appointment by imploring his people to get in touch with Barack's people.
Personally, I'm glad they used their technology and finally caught one. How long has this been going on without us knowing about these kind of underhanded double dealings and other shenanigans?
I cannot believe that, while I understand innocent until proven guilty, he was let into his office. I think he should be completely barred from entering any of the governmental offices until the investigation is over.
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