Sunday, December 28, 2008

How two faced can you be?

How can the mainstream media tout Caroline Kennedy as a good choice for Senator, but absolutely crucify Sarah Palin as a potential Vice-President?

Easy answer: because Caroline is a democrat from old money.

To me, this proves Ann Coulter's basic thesis in "Treason" that the mainstream media is controlled by liberals. Sarah clearly has more political and governing experience than Caroline has, but Caroline is clinging to the Kennedy name (although that is not her husband's name) and she favors murdering children sleeping in their mother's wombs (aka "pro-choice).

Where is the comedienne who will come out with an over the top imitation of princess Caroline in an effort to ruin her political chances?

After all, what is the Vice President but the President of the Senate. You say it frightens you that she is one death away from the Presidency if she is VP? You say this because of her inexperience? Take a look at what you are inaugurating as President in a few weeks! You should really be scared that Nancy Pelosi is the third person in that succession for the Presidency.

I have witnessed the media's shameful manipulation for their liberal ends in this Presidential election, but this manipulation in favor of Caroline Kennedy is so blatant that only a moron would fail to see it.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are still defending Palin. Are you blind? She is ignorant of the world and even of our own constitution. Obama has taught constitutional law for 10 years. I think you are making these outrageous statements to get a rile out of people. You cannot possibly believe that Sarah Palin would make a good vice president. And, if you do, then it just shows to what lengths you will adjust your intellectual discernments to justify your political party's actions.

Anonymous said...

As soon as Caroline Kennedy looks like the buffoon that Palin did, then we'll see the comedy sketches. Palin was just so easy. It really was shameful to make so much fun of her. She's just not the brightest but she thinks she is. I think that is what drove peoople so crazy.