Friday, January 30, 2009

The Super Bowl Commercial you won't see.

Hmmmm. Is this what they call "irony"?

Response to some Commenters

Okay, I'm not an idiot. I would just like to point out that name calling is a thing that liberals tend to resort to when they embrace a logically untenable point.

There is nothing more innocent than an unborn child or a brand new child. The child has not had the opportunity to make good choices or bad choices for its life. The death of that unborn child by abortion can be blamed on no one but the person given the responsibility of protecting that innocent life. You say the child is the unwanted result of a sexual tryst or a sexual assault. No one really wants it so terminate it. Of all of the people involved in the conception of the child, who is most innocent and blameless? Right, it is the child. But who pays with his or her life? Right again, the child.

The justification is to say that the "conceived organism" is not a human being. "Human being" is defined as whatever the legislature chooses for a definition. How can the product of the union of two human beings that is alive and growing not be a human being? There is no logic to support that.

It is indeed very sad when innocents are hurt or killed in the course of a war. However, the parent may not have the ability or power to protect the child when the evil doers of their own country choose to hide behind civilians and children or to build militatry installations among children. Moral of that: if you have children that you want to protect, don't pick a fight with a superior nation. And by the way, you throw up the war and President Bush as some sort of justification to support taxpayer subsidized abortion? How does one wrong in an entirely unrelated theater or set of circumstances justify the commission of another, perhaps greater wrong?

As for murderers and rapists (both of which are subject to the death penalty in certain jurisdictions under certain circumstances), that is the absolute worst comparison to the innocent unborn child. The criminal has chosen his path. He has chosen the commit his evil deeds, and the rules prescribing his punishment are in place when he violates the law. You can argue that the criminal may have been set on his path by the mistreatment from his parents, but at some point, an adult becomes responsible for his own path and choices. At that point, it just pitiful and pathetic to blame parents for one's poor choices as an adult. The child has violated no law. The child has had no choice. He or she was just unlucky enough to be unwelcomed and unwanted.

I understand that people make mistakes and bad choices. I understand that a person may make the personal choice to kill their child. As long as it's legal, the only consequence is reconciling with your own conscience. The government should not be subsidizing this practice. If you want one, pay for it yourself. Or if you are a teenager, ask your parents to pay for the death of their grandchild.

Where is the logic of making the unborn child pay with his or her life for the mistakes, errors, poor choices (whatever semantics you choose) of the individuals responsble for conceiving him or her?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Final thought for this evening

Did you all know that Nancy Pelosi is third in line of Presidential succession? That's right, if we lose King Barack and his clown prince Biden, Crazy Nancy would be sworn in as President? Sleep well.

Still waiting

I sent a letter to the editor for the Denton Wretched Chronicle about a story in last Saturday's paper. Mike Trimble called me to let me know that they would publish it. I always enjoy seeing one of my letters make the paper. Still, as of today (Thursday), my letter still has not appeared. It will probably show up tomorrow.

I have questions, though:

1. Why can't a newspaper reporter write a news story that is pure objective, unemotional fact? Why do they want to subjectively editorialize about the information they are trying to convey?

2. Why does our government seem to want to protect the rights of the criminals and terrorists, yet kill innocent unborn children with nary a thought about it?

3. Why doesn't our government pursue the deaths of terrorists, rapists, and murderers as zealously as it seems to pursue the deaths of innocent unborn children?

And yet a second ice day

Nice bonus except for having to cram the whole week in to one day when we got back. Still, a break is always nice.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Day

I just found out that the Wise County Offices are closed and the Denton ISD is also closed for the day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Only one game left

I had football withdrawal this weekend. It was the worst from noon until 10:30 Sunday night. I really hate the end of football season, especially the way the Cowboys let it end.

Do we really have to put up with Wade Phillips for another season? That is the most lost looking head coach I've seen since Dave Campo.

Please get rid of Pacman and "Mouth" Owens.

Nancy Pelosi strikes again!

Okay, so I'm driving into work this morning, and I have this cool XM radio in my new car, and this XM radio has a station called "America Right". This station has added to my list of conservative gurus.
I have been aware of Laura Ingraham, but I had never had a chance to listen to her until I got this satellite radio. I could listen to this woman talk all day long.

Anyway, the new subject this morning is the amount of the federal bailout money being allocated for the purpose of "family planning", i.e. contraception and abortion.
We are talking about billions of federal tax dollars out a trillion dollar package spent the either stop the creation of children or to kill them once they are conceived.
Now, we already know that King Barack has said that the question of when life actually starts, either scientifically or theologically, is "above [his] pay grade." Therefore, not knowing the answer to that question and instead of erring on the side of caution (outlawing abortion), he wants to allocate tax dollars to let people murder children at any stage of the pregnancy, and in some cases, while they are being born or after they are born alive.

So, Laura Ingraham has this interview that Nancy Pelosi did with George Stef...Steph...(you know, Clinton's "hey boy" who is now allowed on the air waves). He reiterates King Barack's pay grade comment, and asks her how she would answer the question of when life begins in a conceived child.
Nancy starts her reply with "as an ardent, practicing Catholic" she is aware that even the most diligent Catholic doctors have been unable to answer that question.

Excuse me, Nancy. The Catholic Church's postion on this is that life begins at conception, period. If she does anything to support the practice of abortion, aka, killing children innocently sleeping in their mothers' wombs, then she is turning her back on the teaching of the Church. So, she lies when she claims to be an "ardent practicing Catholic". An ardent practicing Catholic does not use contraceptive devices or medications, nor does she obtain an abortion once she is pregnant. The intentional killing of the unborn child is a mortal sin, and if one dies with the stain of mortal sin on their soul, they will never see heaven. That is the teaching of the Catholic Church. Of course, a mortal sin confessed with penance done will be forgiven. If I were Nancy's parish priest hearing her confession and understanding her position on this, her penance would be to get her crazy, liberal, baby killing butt out there and reverse her positon on abortion, stop using American tax dollars to assist and promote abortion, and move Congress to outlaw this awful practice.

She went on to say that the stimulus money for family planning was to help the states that are in dire financial straits. I guess she is referring to welfare rolls, public schools, and children's programs. She figures that fewer children alive will be less of a burden on state budgets.

What about the fact that allowing more children to live and grow up to produce income will increase the tax base and insure the social security will remain solvent and able to do what we have been paying it our whole lives to do: help us in our later years?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This woman should have no credibility left after this column

Saturday's column by Susan "Estrogen" Estrich absolutely takes the cake. Anyone who has read her columns regularly should see this latest entry as the biggest pack of lies since Billy Clinton testified before any group.
She starts with "I don't hate George Bush. I never have."
Is she kidding with this? She hates George Bush if anybody does. She has never respected his office or the job he did in leading and protecting this country.
This woman is a Hillary lackey, a democrat party minion, and a liberal harpy. Molly Ivins left the picture, but they found someone worse than her, if that was ever possible.
All of a sudden, since King Barack's coronation, the office of the President deserves respect?

Let me tell you something: the respect of the office of the President of the United States is seriously in question as of coronation day.
When the man's first act as President is to sanction the use of federal money to murder unborn children, what does he have in store for the rest of us?
Is the rest true:
-no more parental notification when your minor daughter wants an abortion?
-no limit on how far along the pregnancy is?
-more government takeover of private business?
-higher taxes?
-tax refunds to people who don't pay a dime in taxes?
-release of terrorists who have been positively identified as enemies of the U.S?
-open borders to illegally entering the country?
-more terrorist attacks on American soil?
-legalized use of drugs and marihuana?
-more federal power?
-less state power?
-inflation of the like that hasn't been seen since the Carter administration?
And what else?
What does it say to you when someone like Susan Estrich prints such a pack of lies and expects you, the American voter, to swallow it? It should say that the left thinks we don't have the sense to come in out of the rain. They think they can do whatever they want, and their line of b---sh-- will protect them from the revelations that come from shining a light on them.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

King Barack's first move: Kill more children!

Reading the Saturday Denton Wretched Chronicle, I see that it is now open season on unborn children (as if it wasn't already). At least, they had a conscientious advocate in President Bush for the past eight years. According to this story, it is now time to start testing stem cells on human beings. Stem cells come from aborted fetuses collected at abortion clinics. Apparently, the current liberal government not only condones and promotes the murder of unborn children, it now gives their little deceased bodies market value in the medical community.

On the front page of the Saturday morning DWC (or DRC for those of you who think this paper has any credibility), King Barack is lifting the ban on giving federal funds to organizations that promote or perform abortions. This was a President Bush ban as he did not want federal money used to murder unborn children. The reporter of the story (another liberal AP writer) adds his subjective two cents by calling President Bush's policies protecting innocent unborn children as "inflammatory" and "contenious".(Note this excellent example of an editorial opinion piece masquerading as a news story.)
Now King Barack will use your tax money to promote abortion. Remember, this guy, as a senator, always voted for abortion at every turn. He never voted against it. He also would not vote against partial birth abortion (you know where the doctor kills the child as it is on the way down the birth canal). Nice, huh? He also refused to vote for a bill that would prevent the abandonment of aborted children that survive the procedure. That's right, some kids live through the abortion, but abortionists are allowed to leave the child abandonged in a room until it goes ahead and dies. Most of us call that child abuse and murder, but not King "Hope and Change".

If only the liberals went after Islamic Extremists with as much gusto. I guess it's easier to kill children sleeping in their mother's wombs, they don't put up much of a fight unless you count hearing their cries in your sleep. But I would imagine the collective conscience of King Barack and his henchmen, Pelosi, Biden, and Bird, are out of reach of anguished children's souls.

Why don't they turn the murderous instinct and energy against the enemies of our nation rather than helpless children?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Katie Couric is not a journalist.

Okay, for some reason last night, I find myself stuck in the same room with a television showing the CBS Evening News with Katie. Succumbing to the pleas of some of my friends to listen to the left every once in awhile, I decide to hold my nose and listen to the drivel. Lo and Behold, I am not disappointed. The story was about the fighting between Israel and the Palestinians, but there was little about Israel except clip after clip of Palestinians complaining about the damage and telling stories about Israeli soldiers committing atrocities. No facts. No evidence. No equal time for the Israeli military to admit or deny the claims. Just allegations and accusations. We wouldn't even get to a courtroom with crap like that, yet CBS thinks it's right to put it on as hard news. The entire story was totally slanted to elicit sympathy for the squatters in the Gaza, that's all. It was not news, it was spin. If Katie is going to be an opinion columnist, she needs to quit posing as a journalist. We need facts, not accusations and speculation. At the end of the story, my eyes glazed over and my ears were bleeding (okay, not really), but I couldn't take any more. Will our children and grandchildren ever have a chance to learn true, fact-laden history without the liberal, hippie slant and lies?


I know that many of you like to comment and make remarks about Ann Coulter. She is direct, and she is angry about the way we have let the left pull the wool over our eyes for so long. However, unlike King Barack (who is form with no substance), Ann has substance of truth and facts to back up her position on these things. She gives you the sources of her information. I hear alot of criticism of her style of rhetoric, but calling her "mean" and "divisive" is meaningless to me. You want to get my attention? Tell me where her factual information is incorrect or false. If the truth is "divisive", then so be it. We should not hide the truth or hide from the truth for the sake of false togetherness or security. It is the liars who are "divisive" and damaging to the nation. I was always taught, as I have taught my children, that lies cannot stand. The truth must prevail. Sometimes I'm not so sure any longer because the left wing media have been so successful in perpetuating lies by twisting historical facts to suit their needs. We are stuck with King Barack for four years because of the election, but be certain that Barack is a lie. He is a form with no substance. He is a face that stands for nothing. He was built by the liberal media for their purposes. If the universe really is ruled by the truth, Barack cannot stand. The lies must ultimately be uncovered and revealed. Come out into the light, Barack, and let us see what you really are and what you really stand for.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Maybe they should read the Old Testament

I can't wait until God goes "Old Testament" on these guys.

President of Islamic Society of North America

...and the left leaning Associated Press tries desperately to defend King Barack's choices of friends.
Linked to Hamas and included on the Holy Land Association list of co-conspirators...

Have any of you read "Treason" by Ann Coulter?

How long will you allow the mainstream media to control you with the facts they choose to show you?

Doris Ann Buscarino

I saw the obituary in the Denton Record Chronicle Friday that Ann Buscarino had passed away. She was a friend of mine, and the world is so much the worse without her. She was always one of the nicest, kindest people I have ever known.

Don Galloway, RIP

And as if one MSTed actor dying in Nevada wasn’t enough…Don Galloway, the likable character actor best known for his long-running role as Sgt. Ed Brown on the NBC show “Ironside,” died Jan. 8 in Reno, Nev., after suffering a stroke. He was 71.Some might also remember him for his role as JoBeth Williams’ husband in “The Big Chill.” MSTies will remember him John Hiller (Robert Denby’s cohort) in episode 814 - RIDING WITH DEATH.

Ricardo Montalban, RIP

Actor Ricardo Montalban died at his home in Los Angeles on Wednesday at age 88. If the references "The Plane! The Plane!" and "KHAAANNN!!!" escape you then his death is not news. If, however, you are a fan of either "Star Trek", bad 1970s dramas or fine Corinthian leather - his passing deserves a moment of reflection. Whatever you want to say about the guy, he always came across as a class act.

NFC Championship...

... and the Cardinals go in at the half with a 24-6 lead?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

NFC Championship Game

Let me get this straight. The Arizona Cardinals are the home team for the NFC Championship game against the Philadelphia Eagles? I never would have bet money on that.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

But wait, there's more...

* I just watched Arizona kick the living #$%& out of the Carolina Panthers. The great Jake Delhomme stunk the place up. I only mention it because I am shocked.

* I hate wintertime. The only good thing about it is the lower utility bills. Otherwise, it's cold, the sun goes down at what seems like 4:00 in the afternoon.

"Dexter" stars elope? AP says "yes they did".

In these 2008 file photos, actress Jennifer Carpenter, left, arrives at the 60th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, and actor Michael C. Hall arrives at the CBS, CW and Showtime Press Tour Party in Los Angeles. Hall's spokesman, Craig Bankey, said Friday, Jan. 9, 2009, that the couple eloped in California on New Year's Eve. They'll walk the red carpet together at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, the first time publicly acknowledging their relationship.(AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, file)
Well, well, well... By the way, did you notice that the news blurb does not say the name of the series that these two star in?
It's "Dexter" on Showtime. Are they ashamed of the fact that it is a show about a serial killer?

more lawyer humor...

(P.S.- Barry, I think they are onto you.)

Jon, is this really a good use of your time and money?

Bon Jovi is performing a concert to help Hillary retire a $6 million campaign debt. Now again, I love the way they write these stories to imply that he is doing a wonderful thing. The article linked says that Hillary wrote off $13 million in "personal loans" to the campaign.
Didn't I read during her campaign that she and Bill reported income of $10 million annually?
"Personal loans" means she spent her own money on the campaign hoping that her fund raising would allow her to pay herself back from the campaign fund.
Jon, buddy, do you really think that Hillary Clinton is a worthy charity for you? Can you not find some real charity, or even some family in real need, to receive proceeds from one of your concerts?
I don't think that Bill and Hillary need your money or your help in maintaining their standard of living.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Can't find this story

I heard a small blurb on the Wall Street Journal XM radio station this morning the Jet Blue and the FAA had settled a law suit with an Arab who tried to get on a Jet Blue plane wearing a shirt with Arabic writing that made the other passengers feel uncomfortable. Apparently, Jet Blue allowed the Arab on the plane if he would cover up the offending shirt and they found him another seat in the very back of the plane.
Apparently, the ACLU jumped all over this filing a law suit on the Arab's behalf.
The radio station reported the a settlement was reached where the Arab received $240,000.
Since I have been home, I can't find any written news story about this.
Has anyone else seen any stories about this?

Wanna see a magic trick?

Ronald is out of control!
(thanks to an email from one of my children.)

Now my life is complete

Cheb Chelios lives!
I guess that fall from the helicopter at the end of "Cranked" didn't kill him after all. How about that?
That was a very intense, great movie. I was kind of bummed that they killed him off at the end, but I guess they let him live after all.

Monday, January 5, 2009


There I said the word that sends you lovers of liberal politics into orbit.
Keep squawking, you all.
The more your eyes bulge and your heads spin at the mention of her name is enough to show she is right for 2012.
It's like watching the possessed Linda Blair go into spasms of rage and fear when Father Merrin shows up in "The Exorcist".
We must not let the left choose the Republican candidate in the next election.
No matter what they say, she has more experience than the person nominated and elected this time by the left.
Choosing her was McCain's best move because he was playing right into the left wing's hands until that moment. That move drove the liberals crazy.
I am ready to get my "Sarah Palin 2012" sign.


I am still not certain what happened in Minnesota. The only explanations that I have seen are that the democratic supporters of the comic senate candidate keep coming up with "lost ballots" from all kinds of places until they got victory. Minnesota law must be in some kind of state if they can allow recounts to continue for 62 days after an election until the, apparently, pre-selected candidate wins.
In Florida, when President Bush defeated Al Gore, the Florida Attorney General kept the recounts open for the number of days prescribed by Florida law, and she stuck to it against pressure from the left to ignore her state's laws and keep the recount going indefinitely.
I don't know how it will play out in court. I don't see alot of MSM coverage on it, because shining light on this situation will never be good for the democratic party.

And also, how did the Vikings make that playoffs with Tavares Jackson at quarterback? Will that guy ever be any good? With a good QB to accompany that running game and that defense, the Vikings would be murder on the league.

Pelosi and crew strike again...

Did you see where, among other things, the Congress has voted themselves a "cost of living raise" to the tune of $2.5 million?
In this time of economic troubles where people are losing their jobs, apparently, 435 overpaid, out of touch congressmen need to rejoin the real world.
They were struggling so hard that they need pay raises to $174,000. Times are tough, huh?
Those people have alot of gall.

Has it been a week since my last entry?

Wow! Has it really been a week since my last entry. It feels like no time at all has passed. I have been enjoying my days off since Christmas. And for all of you who insisted on trying to make me work hard between Christmas and New failed. I am looking forward to getting back to work now that the holidays are over. There's nothing like a little restful down time to recharge your batteries. We had a good Christmas together.
I don't mention my wife very often in this blog,, but only because that is what she wants. I just want you all to know how proud I am of her positive attitude, resolve, and bravery in going through this radiation therapy for her cancer. She is going to be as right as rain when this is over.