Saturday, January 24, 2009

King Barack's first move: Kill more children!

Reading the Saturday Denton Wretched Chronicle, I see that it is now open season on unborn children (as if it wasn't already). At least, they had a conscientious advocate in President Bush for the past eight years. According to this story, it is now time to start testing stem cells on human beings. Stem cells come from aborted fetuses collected at abortion clinics. Apparently, the current liberal government not only condones and promotes the murder of unborn children, it now gives their little deceased bodies market value in the medical community.

On the front page of the Saturday morning DWC (or DRC for those of you who think this paper has any credibility), King Barack is lifting the ban on giving federal funds to organizations that promote or perform abortions. This was a President Bush ban as he did not want federal money used to murder unborn children. The reporter of the story (another liberal AP writer) adds his subjective two cents by calling President Bush's policies protecting innocent unborn children as "inflammatory" and "contenious".(Note this excellent example of an editorial opinion piece masquerading as a news story.)
Now King Barack will use your tax money to promote abortion. Remember, this guy, as a senator, always voted for abortion at every turn. He never voted against it. He also would not vote against partial birth abortion (you know where the doctor kills the child as it is on the way down the birth canal). Nice, huh? He also refused to vote for a bill that would prevent the abandonment of aborted children that survive the procedure. That's right, some kids live through the abortion, but abortionists are allowed to leave the child abandonged in a room until it goes ahead and dies. Most of us call that child abuse and murder, but not King "Hope and Change".

If only the liberals went after Islamic Extremists with as much gusto. I guess it's easier to kill children sleeping in their mother's wombs, they don't put up much of a fight unless you count hearing their cries in your sleep. But I would imagine the collective conscience of King Barack and his henchmen, Pelosi, Biden, and Bird, are out of reach of anguished children's souls.

Why don't they turn the murderous instinct and energy against the enemies of our nation rather than helpless children?