Sunday, January 18, 2009

President of Islamic Society of North America

...and the left leaning Associated Press tries desperately to defend King Barack's choices of friends.
Linked to Hamas and included on the Holy Land Association list of co-conspirators...

Have any of you read "Treason" by Ann Coulter?

How long will you allow the mainstream media to control you with the facts they choose to show you?


Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter is skilled with her brand of rhetoric that twists and makes her own so-called connections. She'll say anything to rally the religious fundamentalists who refuse to look at whole pictures. Yet, I have to give it to her for being so relentless and I guess that is one way to make money. Someday I hope that she realizes that she is of the same brand as the other fanatics. She just calls her brand Christian.

Anonymous said...

How long will you let the Bill O'Reilly's, Sean Hannity's, and Ann Coulter's lead you down the path of hate and division. If you really love this country then you will pitch in and help instead of complaining. Yes, watch that the new administration does what they are supposed to do. But, idealogues are not what the country needs right now. So, please let go of your partisan blinders and look for the bigger picture. If you don't do that, then I would never believe that you really love this country.