Monday, January 26, 2009

Nancy Pelosi strikes again!

Okay, so I'm driving into work this morning, and I have this cool XM radio in my new car, and this XM radio has a station called "America Right". This station has added to my list of conservative gurus.
I have been aware of Laura Ingraham, but I had never had a chance to listen to her until I got this satellite radio. I could listen to this woman talk all day long.

Anyway, the new subject this morning is the amount of the federal bailout money being allocated for the purpose of "family planning", i.e. contraception and abortion.
We are talking about billions of federal tax dollars out a trillion dollar package spent the either stop the creation of children or to kill them once they are conceived.
Now, we already know that King Barack has said that the question of when life actually starts, either scientifically or theologically, is "above [his] pay grade." Therefore, not knowing the answer to that question and instead of erring on the side of caution (outlawing abortion), he wants to allocate tax dollars to let people murder children at any stage of the pregnancy, and in some cases, while they are being born or after they are born alive.

So, Laura Ingraham has this interview that Nancy Pelosi did with George Stef...Steph...(you know, Clinton's "hey boy" who is now allowed on the air waves). He reiterates King Barack's pay grade comment, and asks her how she would answer the question of when life begins in a conceived child.
Nancy starts her reply with "as an ardent, practicing Catholic" she is aware that even the most diligent Catholic doctors have been unable to answer that question.

Excuse me, Nancy. The Catholic Church's postion on this is that life begins at conception, period. If she does anything to support the practice of abortion, aka, killing children innocently sleeping in their mothers' wombs, then she is turning her back on the teaching of the Church. So, she lies when she claims to be an "ardent practicing Catholic". An ardent practicing Catholic does not use contraceptive devices or medications, nor does she obtain an abortion once she is pregnant. The intentional killing of the unborn child is a mortal sin, and if one dies with the stain of mortal sin on their soul, they will never see heaven. That is the teaching of the Catholic Church. Of course, a mortal sin confessed with penance done will be forgiven. If I were Nancy's parish priest hearing her confession and understanding her position on this, her penance would be to get her crazy, liberal, baby killing butt out there and reverse her positon on abortion, stop using American tax dollars to assist and promote abortion, and move Congress to outlaw this awful practice.

She went on to say that the stimulus money for family planning was to help the states that are in dire financial straits. I guess she is referring to welfare rolls, public schools, and children's programs. She figures that fewer children alive will be less of a burden on state budgets.

What about the fact that allowing more children to live and grow up to produce income will increase the tax base and insure the social security will remain solvent and able to do what we have been paying it our whole lives to do: help us in our later years?

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