Sunday, January 25, 2009

This woman should have no credibility left after this column

Saturday's column by Susan "Estrogen" Estrich absolutely takes the cake. Anyone who has read her columns regularly should see this latest entry as the biggest pack of lies since Billy Clinton testified before any group.
She starts with "I don't hate George Bush. I never have."
Is she kidding with this? She hates George Bush if anybody does. She has never respected his office or the job he did in leading and protecting this country.
This woman is a Hillary lackey, a democrat party minion, and a liberal harpy. Molly Ivins left the picture, but they found someone worse than her, if that was ever possible.
All of a sudden, since King Barack's coronation, the office of the President deserves respect?

Let me tell you something: the respect of the office of the President of the United States is seriously in question as of coronation day.
When the man's first act as President is to sanction the use of federal money to murder unborn children, what does he have in store for the rest of us?
Is the rest true:
-no more parental notification when your minor daughter wants an abortion?
-no limit on how far along the pregnancy is?
-more government takeover of private business?
-higher taxes?
-tax refunds to people who don't pay a dime in taxes?
-release of terrorists who have been positively identified as enemies of the U.S?
-open borders to illegally entering the country?
-more terrorist attacks on American soil?
-legalized use of drugs and marihuana?
-more federal power?
-less state power?
-inflation of the like that hasn't been seen since the Carter administration?
And what else?
What does it say to you when someone like Susan Estrich prints such a pack of lies and expects you, the American voter, to swallow it? It should say that the left thinks we don't have the sense to come in out of the rain. They think they can do whatever they want, and their line of b---sh-- will protect them from the revelations that come from shining a light on them.


Denney Crane said...

Do you think she and Pelosi compare notes?

Kevin said...

Susan Estrogen is what is known as a feminazi, an ultraliberal manhater who latched onto Hillary's but like a lamprey to further her own career.
Nancy Pelosi is just batsh** crazy, if you ask me.