Sunday, March 1, 2009

Another item that just does not compute...

Another thing I don't understand about what is going on in our country.
king barack intends to tax the h*** out of "rich people", that is, people who make $250,000 or more per year.
Assuming that those jackalopes in the entertainment industry, aka Hollywood moguls, are "rich people" [they certainly want us to believe they are rich], why would they support such a person for president? If I were "rich" I certainly would not support a candidate who virtually promises to coerce huge chunks of my amassed wealth from my bank account.
Which begs the question, why do wealthy people support a man with these philosophies and beliefs?
I would vote for the guy that would leave me more of my money to invest in other ventures for profit. If I am rich, and I am investing my money as capital for other businesses to use or for my own business to expand; am I not helping the economy by creating jobs and putting more money into circulation through wages that I pay my workers?
I hear that many Hollywood types, such as George Clooney, Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, etc., have sought and made appointments for audiences with His Most Puerile Petulence to promote their latest pet causes and to usurp tax dollars from the Spendulous Plan.
But I really don't understand the phenomenon. Why would wealthy people support a candidate who is going to take more of their money by force?


Anonymous said...

(1) Because those people understand it's not all about "keeping all my" money so I can spend on big screen TVs, SUVs, and expensive wine. They don't mind helping the less fortunate and are more than happy to do so.

(2) They care more about other issues than money. End the unjust war on Irag. Restore civil liberties. Bring in socialized health care.

It's not that hard to understand. Those "hollywood types" are generally brilliant and they have open minds and open hearts.

Kevin said...

Seriously, that is terrific that they want to help those less fortunate than themselves. But by putting a socialist in the Whitehouse, they are forcing their views on other people. If you want to reach into your own pocket to help those in need, more power to you, but if you reach into someone else's pocket to give money to another, that is just theft, plain and simple. I am certain that the billionaires and millionaires of American could probably join hands and pay off all of this, but I don't see them all volunteering to do this. Instead, they join up to conspire and force other people to pay for what they value. At some point, it ceases to be philanthropy and becomes tyranny.

Anonymous said...

At some point, a person has to decide if we are all in this experiment called United States of America together or separately. It is not just helping those less fortunate, which is a nice thing to do, of course. But, what kind of a nation are we? Dog eat dog or we all rise together or fall together.

Anonymous said...

Well, you keep calling Obama a socialist but I haven't heard you call Bush a dictator. You really might want to learn how to look at both sides without your ideologue blinders on.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous makes some good points.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people want to see that their fellow citizens have health care. Most of us see that as a fundamental right of every American citizen. I am often amazed that the same people who don't care about health care for all Americans call themselves Christians. I don't know if you are a Christian or not but, if so, how could you not want health care for all of your brothers and sisters. Amen.

Kevin said...

So what you are saying is that Americans have a fundamental right to reach into their neighbors pockets to fund their lives or needs if they just can't manage on their own, right? Where in the world is that fundamental right written? In the constitution? In the Bible? In the Koran? You know that the right you claim does not exist.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so if the fundamental right to healthcare is not a right, then what is? Exactly. Is it a right to breathe clean air? Is it a right to drink clean water? I don't quite understand you.

Kevin said...

You can't tell the difference between clean air and water and forcing a professional to render services to people who cannot pay him?
Clean air and water were given to us by God with the planet (and if you a liberal who doesn't believe in God, then just pretend they evolved with the creation of the planet).
The medical professionals perform a service for their livelihood.
Your theory is more akin to letting everyone eat at every restaurant for free, or everyone having a right to free new car, or everyone having a right to enter Macy's and select their new wardrobe for free. People do not have a right to the property and services of another. You do not even have a right to buy it if the owner does not want to sell it to you.
How can you equate clean air and water with forcing doctors to work for nothing? Apply it to yourself. What if the government passed a law that you had to do whatever you do for a living, but now you have to do it for free and give your goods or service to anyone that wants with nothing in return for you? That is what free health care is about. It is about forced servitude of professionals.

Anonymous said...

I'm not for free health care but I'm for a system that makes it possible for ALL full time working people to afford health care. What is so great about a system that has millions of people who work fulltime jobs and cannot afford to take their kids to the doctor. When I was young, there were poor families but, you know what, they owned a house, maybe a small one, they owned a car, maybe an old one, and they took their kids to the doctor when they needed to. and, the mom could stay home and somehow they still managed to live a decent life. Now, if people were extra hard workers and went to college etc then they got to buy a bigger better house and better car, etc. Now, two parents working full time cannot do that. WHY? Now granted they can still work harder and learn more and get better jobs but don't we need low skilled labor as well and shouldn't they be able to afford healthcare for their children. Granted, I don't think they should have children if they cannot afford them but that's another issue.

Kevin said...

Everybody having the same amount of everything all the time?
Sounds familiar, oh yeah, they call that communism.
It fails why?
Who wants to work to support everyone else?

Anonymous said...

I am not saying that everyone should have everything equal all the time. I don't want or expect that. I'm not stupid.

BUT HEALTHCARE. Please. Oh, please, tell me that you call yourself a Christian and I'm going to scream!!!