-Speaking of never dying, will the hypocrisy of the current obaminable administration never cease? Now, he is deploying 4000 more troops to Afghanistan. I recall the campaign rhetoric: bring the troops home, end this unjust war, blah blah blah. I guess king barack figured out that it is in the best interest of our nation to fight the terrorists over there instead of sitting around her waiting for the next major American target to be blown up with innocent citizens inside.
-And let's get one thing straight: I never supported the "stimulous plan" form of government when President Bush started pulling that nonsense. Anyone can see that he was only pouring water from the deep end of the pool to the shallow end. You still have the same water and the same pool. Now, king barack is trying to transfer the entire deep end of the pool to shallow end. When I am critical of this plan, I was critical of President Bush's version, too. People respond to me by citing President Bush's economic attempts. HE WAS WRONG IN THIS. He protected us from the terrorist threat and kept the nation safe, but he had poor counsel (council?) on economic matters. Forced income redistribution through taxation is always wrong, no matter who is President.
-What you are witnessing in the reign of king barack is biggest power grab in the history of the United States. He has Tax Cheat Geitner petitionine Congress for more power to seize private businesses that are failing. Currenly, he has power to seize banks under the FDIC, but he wants more. He wants to nationalize private businesses. They are tampering with the natural order. Businesses fail all the time. Goods and services offered fall out of demand or become obsolete. The economy resets when new businesses come into vogue. In nature, animal kingdoms have periods of adjustment where a species' numbers are reduced to protect their resources from becoming exhausted or to allow time for the resources to regenerate. But in our world, we stop the die off thereby throwing the natural order out of whack.
-Apparently, king barack is standing by his insane campaign promise to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay (also known as Gitmo). There are still 240 prisoners there that are not safe to be released on the world. Their own countries either don't want them or will kill them if they are returned. There are 14 Islamic Chinese there who were trained in middle eastern terrorist camps. Our government will refuse to return them to China out of fear that the Chinese with torture, interrogate, and kill these Sino-islamic terrorists. Therefore...guess what...our government will release them in the good old United States, probably with new secret identities and all kinds of tax money in their pockets to help them live. Does anyone believe that king barack is going to protect this nation from terrorists? I don't know for certain, but my gut tells me no. He may yet surprise me. He is sending more troops to Afghanistan, but releasing known terrorists onto American soil. One of them could turn up to be your neighbors (as in Seasons 4 and 6 of "24").
-How is your Chinese? What will happen when the Chinese government forecloses on our country when we default? You do realize that we are borrowing astronomical amounts of money to finance the "spendulous" plan, and China is our heaviest lender. I also hear that they are getting squeamish about lending us any more until they are more certain about out ability to pay. Can we even make the interest payments?
-And finally, you do notice the price of gasoline creeping upward once again. Will the obamanable adminstration protect us by drilling and developing our own energy assets? Of course not, the EPA will never allow it, and they have barack's leash in wrapped around their wrist. OPEC is capping wells and cutting production as fast as they can because the lower price of oil is cutting in on their usually obscene profits. They are cutting supply to intentionally drive up the price is oil in their own interest. They care about no one else, and your government cares nothing about you except your viability as a taxpaying subject of the kingdom, or as a voter beholding to the crown after they lavish you with government handouts. Do you think the government cares about you? They care more about caribou than they do getting energy to you, they care more about spotted owls than they about thousands of unemployed Oregonians who can't work the logging trade, they care more about rare (heretofore unheard of) plants in Maine than they do about getting affordable hydroelectric power to thousands of homes. If you believe that they care at all about you, you are naive and mistaken. They are slowly taking away your liberty. They are turning up the heat under the pot slowly so the frog won't feel it and try to get away.
The sad thing is that Bush fought in the WRONG place. What a dope.
I guess we better start learning Chinese. Where do I sign up?
The Gitmo detainees are not going to be released on American soil with money in their pockets. Think for a minute please. Your kind of scare mongering and making up stuff doesn't help anyone.
Ok Kev, I normally don't put my comments out here because I just cannot stand politics, however, I agree with you on this... of course, we're going to give those poor people stuck in Gitmo new identities and moula in their pockets. WE SHOULD SEND THEM BACK TO THEIR OWN COUNTRIES for Pete's sake, GIVE US A BREAK - can we send all of our prisoners to another country too? That could save us some dough and allow our children to be better educated!
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