Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Business or Politics?

The government has taken over control of General Motors (or does GM now stand for "Government Motors"?).
GM had 20 vehicle models that were and had been profitable even in these tougher times.
Whoever is now making decisions for GM, they have discontinued 11 of those 20 profitable models. Those are the SUV's and trucks. If you are running a business and trying to make business recover, you do not get rid of the profitable product. You discontinue the models that cost money to produce, yet produce negative net income.
This is a political move by the leftist regime to force us into smaller cars, period. Once again, the government is taking away choices from the citizen.
They are squeamish about developing our own oil, nuclear, and natural energy resources, but the most liberal government in the history of the United States has no problem forcing us to drive certain kinds of cars.
To me, this supports Ann's thesis that liberals care more about anything than people: unrestrained infanticide, forcing people out of jobs to save birds, keeping needed hydroelectric power from homes because of an obscure plant species.
Do you see how unimportant you are to the liberal movement?
Do you still not see the pattern here?
Marxism anyone?
The Obamanation continues...


Anonymous said...

I don't know what's going on with all of this govt messing with stuff but I don't think King O just wants us to drive little cars and I dont' think liberals care more about anything else other than people. Actually opposite. Don't they care more about people than anything else? Like in your argument don't they seem to care more about people than our capitalist way of life? I'm not railing on you but I don't see the logic.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid this is the beginning of the end of capitalism.

Anonymous said...

But isn't the world God's creation and therefore aren't people supposed to be caretakers of the world? Isn't thinking that people are more important than God's other creations going against God.What does the bible say about that? I don't know as I'm not Christian.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what Coulter says exactly but don't you think that none of this capitalist stuff is sustainable for the long term? Not with these kinds of growths of economies that we've seen for the last few decades. There's no way. So, get ready for the biggest change in your life.

Anonymous said...

Are you in love with Ann Coulter?