Sunday, March 1, 2009

A homerun for Ann.

Ann Coulter's column was as good as ever. She gets our attention with her wit and grit, and she tell us the truth...which we may not always want to hear.

It is hard to listen to our news reporters "gush[ing] that history is being made as the first African-American President appeared before Congress." This is going to get old pretty fast. I would add this question, is this going to be the liberal fall back position every time this guy pulls some policy out of his rear end? He may have screwed the country up, but he was our first African-American President.

"But," Ann adds, "as long as the nation is obsessed with historic milestones, is no one going to remark on what a great country it is where a mentally retarded woman can become the speaker of the house?" [Bravo...if you don't believe this then you have never listened to this woman speak.]

She points out that king barack is demanding that the taxpayers of the nation support public school teachers even though he won't trust them with his own children. As the Clintons, king barack so believes in public school education that he sends his kids to an expensive private school.

It is a good column with good critical information of why the public school systems fail. Most public school districts are top heavy with administration. So much of the money allocated for schools never reaches the level of the children. The classroom teachers are hamstrung by their administrations who operate fearful of lawsuits and other retaliatory measures from parents who don't want to face their own failures by not intalling or instilling a proper work ethic, respect for authority, and humility in their children.

You should at least read the column before you jump down my throat.


Anonymous said...

Ann COulter rarely makes any sense at all if you dissect her sentences. And, I'm not sure where you keep hearing "our first African-American president." I haven't heard that since election day. Continuing to call Obama "king" is annoying, not funny, and just shows how much hatred you harbor.

Anonymous said...

Calling someone mentally retarded is rude and I can't believe you believe Ann Coulter.

His kids didn't use to go to private school. There are security issues.

I guess some of those administrative things are things that King Bush put in place. Actually, I should call him King George because that is exactly how he behaved when he stole our right to privacy.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sickened by Coulter's comments about teachers.

Anonymous said...

QUOTE: Private schools might use it for some nefarious purpose like actually teaching their students, rather than indoctrinating them in anti-American propaganda.


Anonymous said...

QUOTE: lethargic incompetents who kick off at 2 p.m. every day and get summers off.

Is this more of the truth she speaks? Most teachers I know work their butts off trying to teach a bunch of kids who only want to learn what is in their Bible and then break the commandments but they sure manage to attend church on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

Will you point out some of Coulter's "critical information?"

Anonymous said...

I'm going to pray for Ann Coulter because her heart is full of hatred and spite.

Anonymous said...

Do you call it a homerun just because her vile comments received comments? Tit for tat. That's what we've got going in this country. One side says a bunch of lies to rile up their uninformed base and then the other side does the same thing. Aren't we wonderful.