Sunday, December 30, 2007

Barbara Walters Surprised to Get a Religious Christmas Card from the Whitehouse

Frankly, I don't know how any network executive or president can rationally or morally justify putting these women in front of a camera and broadcasting their drivel across the nation. The women of The View are out of control. This particular link shows Barbara Walters' surprise at receiving a Christian religious Christmas card from the Whitehouse. She felt it would be offensive to the atheists, Jews, Muslems, etc. Apparently, liberal secularists believe God, Jesus, and basic Christian theology are divisive issues for our country. This is ironic in light of the fact that our founding documents refer to us as united under God and having the rights endowed to all men by the Creator.

Why would Barbara be offended by receiving a Christian card form the Bush family?
If I were on the Presidents' Christmas list, I would be honored.
If the President were Jewish, and he sent me a Hannakuh card, I would be honored.
You don't like the card, Barbara? Throw it away.
On the other hand, Barbara, it did give you yet another chance to come on the television and make an ass of yourself.

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