Saturday, December 22, 2007

Email to the Whitehouse

I just sent the following email to In light of the consistent slant of the press against the President and his efforts to protect us, I simply responded to the compulsion to offer something positive. I do not believe that any of the democratic party's candidates will work as hard to protect our national security as President Bush has. I know that most of you will see this as sappy or even stupid. That is your opinion, and you're welcome to it. I was raised with a strong sense of patriotism in my upbringing and in my education. This is the greatest nation in the history of the world, and I am glad that God chose to put me here to live my life. So, there you go.

Dear Mr. President,
Please accept this email as a sign of my support for you and your administration. I want to thank you for your strong stand against terrorism and the enemies of the United States. I feel compelled to write this because of the seeming bombardment in the press and on the internet of propoganda against you, your administration, and your efforts to protect us.
I know that you have done the best you could do in your role as Commander in Chief, and I have felt that my family is safer because of your attention to this necessary detail. If our national government does nothing else, it should protect the security of American citizens from our nation's enemies. I fear that none of the democratic party's candidates for your office will be nearly as diligent in that role as you have been.
Thank you for that.
Please know that you have always had my support and my vote. I have tried to be a dedicated public servant in my career as well. I have been a criminal prosecutor at the county government level in Texas for the past 25 years. I am proud of that, just as you should be so proud of how you have presided over the government.
God Bless America!
Sincerely Yours,
Kevin L. Henry
Denton, Texas

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