Friday, March 20, 2009

I finally saw "Watchmen" today

This could potentially be my new favorite movie, I will have to think about it because I have a list of "favorite movies" of all time. This will definitely be one for the DVD library when it comes out.
-Great Rorschach line: "You think I'm locked in here with you, but you're locked in here with me."
-Rorschach is a total sociopath.
-The guy that played "The Comedian" did a really good job, too.
-Drawbacks? Yeah, put a speedo on the blue guy. That got tiresome after a while.
-There were slow points, but the story was excellent.
Where does this fit among my favorites?
Here are some of my favorites in no particular order:
1. Boondock Saints.
2. Ironman
3. Die Hard
4. Deathwish
5. Rio Bravo
6. El Dorado
7. The Quiet Man
8. Once Upon a Time in the West
9. Wanted
10. The Big Country
11. Tombstone
12. Death Race
13. Star Wars
14. Soldier
15. Casino Royale
16. Batman (with Michael Keaton) or The Dark Knight (with Christian Bale).
You know, come to think of it, there are so many that I doubt that I could think of them all so I may have to supplement this list as I go along.


Anonymous said...

I like your list except The Quiet Man which was really bad.

Anonymous said...

Wanted? As in the movie with Angelina Jolie???

Kevin said...

Yes V., as in the movie with Angelina Jolie. And FYI, I kind of liked "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".