Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hugh Coleman for County Commissioner, Precinct 1

I found a campaign flyer in my mail today from the Hugh Coleman for County Commissioner campaign. I support Hugh in this bid because I think he would be better for the county than Ms. White. With all that said, this has to be the best flyer I have received from any candidate campaigning for anything in this election.

Apparently, Hugh found Cynthia White's "" page. In her myspace page, Ms. White is posing as a 21 year old single female from Alabama named Shyler. She even had a photo of herself posted. Ms. White is a 44 year old woman, and I actually don't know if she is married or not.

But why would she be posing as a 21 year old single female? Is it to lure young men to their dooms? This whole thing is priceless. I pulled up the site shown on the flyer:, and it is now a private page and it can only be seen by invitation from the owner, namely, "Schyler" or Cynthia White.

What is worse, that she has this page with this false information on it, or that she took measure to hide it when it was exposed for the campaign?

I may hang on to this one forever. It's priceless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a great flier as it exposes Cynthia White for who she really is.

Hugh Coleman will be a much better leader for our county. He has a head on his shoulders and is a dedicated family man.

I hope the people of Precinct 1 know that a vote for Hugh Coleman is a vote for the betterment of our County.