Saturday, February 23, 2008

Obama should learn some American History

In listening to B. Hussein Obama talk during his campaign for the Presidency, I see his rhetoric boiled down to the following:
1. Abandon the battle for Iraq and Afghanistan.
2. Absorb the illegal aliens (i.e.-open the borders).
3. Engage the Islamic terrorists in diplomatic negotiation.

In other words, stop fighting the terrorists, do nothing to stop terrorists from entering the country at will, and ultimately engage in the politics of appeasement to supposedly get the terrorists to leave the U.S. alone.

Ladies and gentlemen, I show you today's version of Nelville Chamberlain. How many of you do not know who that was?

Nelville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of England in the 1930's who did nothing to stop the onslaught of Germany under Adolf Hitler. The saddest part of all of that is that the English people supported him until Hitler was on England's doorstep.

"When Nelville Chamberlain returned from Munich in 1938 with an appeasement deal with Hitler, the English people were delirious with joy. It took integrity for Winston Churchill to tell the House of Parliament that they had suffered a total and unmitigated deception. He was thunderously booed." The Public Manager, p. 46, Spring 2005.

Chamberlain negotiated away part of Czechoslovakia and the Rhineland under Hitler's represetations that this was all he wanted. What he actually wanted was more time to get his war machine to full force. The British did not wake up until it was almost too late. Hitler's forces had overrun Poland, Belgium, France, and were taking Russia. England was next, but Churchill was able to take charge as the Prime Minister and inspire the Brits to fight back.

What will Obama negotiate away to appease the terrorists?
Will he hand Iraq back to the murderous Islamic extremists?
Will he abandon Afghanistan?
Will he abandon Israel?

Obama does not have the integrity or the guts to fight for our freedom. Does he think liberty happens by itself?

If our forefathers were as yellow as the Democrats, we would still be British subjects suffering the tyranny of English rule. We would not have a President; we would have a territorial or provisional governor controlled by the crown.

History teachers nowadays want to talk about the abomination of Vietnam. They seem to avoid World War II. That was the war of American victory, American power, and American heroism. That was the time when evil despots sought to destroy the United States and the West at all costs, but America turned back her enemies and established our place as the greatest, most powerful nation in the world.

Too many of our own citizens are willing to abdicate that place in the world that we have earned on the blood, sweat, tears, and lives of those before us.

Give me liberty or give me death!

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